Saturday, April 27, 2013

To Remove SQL error

select * from sqldictionary where TABLEID in (select TABLEID from sqldictionary where name = 'PurchTable')
and NAME like '%MFI%'

update  sqldictionary set fieldid=60006 where NAME='MFIEDIPROCESSED'

Monday, April 1, 2013

Error: Access denied to method TRANSFER of class LedgerPostingGeneralJournalController in Ax 2012

This is due to the permission to the class specified in the error. Navigate to the role, choose the privilege (transfer order) click "Override Permissions" at the header, click "Add Server Methods" and search for the class "LedgerPostingGeneralJournalController" click "filter", choose the search result and add.

How to identify the user that was used to change an object from AOT in AX2012

Get the object name for which we need to track these (user and date&time) information's. Login to SQL Server Management Studio an...