Posting control in Axapta, set up on the "Chart of Accounts".
The posting control is handled in multiple layers in Axapta, where the basic layer is defined in the Chart of acounts. Other layers are the posting profiles, journal control etc.
In the Chart of accounts it is possible to specify what postings are allowed on the account. The restrictions are:
1. Currency
2. User
3. Posting type
4. Dimension
5. Debit/Credit
6. Blocked in Journal/Closed
7. Transaction accounts
In restrictions 1-4, Axapta has an advanced way to specify and check the values.
For each type of restriction; Currency, User etc. it can be specified if the information is:
A. Optional = No check is made on this information, except that it must be a valid value. With regards to Currency this is not relevant, since currency is always at least mandatory.
B. To be filled in (Mandatory) = The information must be filled in. This is relevant in dimensions. Users are allways filled in by the system.
C. Table = The only valid value is the one specified in the Chart of accounts, in the specific field; Currency, User etc..
D. List = The only valid values are specified in a special list. The list is maintained through the button Validate list.
The information Currency and Dimension is typically entered in the various functions, like journals, sales etc.
In the journals the currency and dimension on the Chart of accounts is copied into the journal, when the account is selected in the account number field. This is just a help and the information can be changed. If you specify a list of currencies, and then specify one currency in the Chart of accounts, the specified currency is copied into the journals, and the list is used for posting control. Please note that the currency and dimension are not copied for the offset account in the journal.
The User information is automatically generated by the system, and the posting control can be restricted to use selected acounts for selected users.
The posting type is a type, that specifies the kind of posting. The posting type is automatically generated by the different posting functions in Axapta. The purpose of the posting type is to specify that only postings from a specific module (or modules) are allowed on an account. The advantage is to reduce irrelevant postings on accounts. Another advantage is that the posting type is used to limit the number of legal accounts to select from the look-up form on account numbers.
To be able to specify the posting types, you need to know what posting types the different functions uses.
Posting Taxes allways have the posting type "Tax."
Journals have the posting type "LedgerJournal", except if it is an intercompany posting, then the posting type is "Intercompany".
In restrictions 5-7, the check routine is simple.
If a debit/credit restriction is defined, you cannot post an amount that does not follow the rule. If you specify that only credit amounts are allowed, you can only post credit amounts. If you need to post a positive amount, then this must be posted as a correction to a credit amount ( = -amount in the credit column in the journal)
The account can be generally blocked from beeing posted on in the journals. This allows only other modules to post on the accounts.
The account can also be closed from posting from all modules.
Only postings on transaction accounts are possible. Header and sum accounts are not transaction accounts, and this is part of the posting control as well.
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