KeySum class is useful for summing data linked to keys. For example you may want to sum Invoice Amount while looping in CustInvoiceJour with grouping in Customer Group. So I recommend to use that handy class. No need to explain in theoretic let’s go practical.
KeySum keySum; // Define keySum class
// Initializing class:
// First Param: NumOfKeys : Length of key.
// If you specify that value 2, you have to give it a container which length of it is 2.
// Second Param: NumOfData : Length of data.
// If you specify that value 2, you have to give it a container which length of it is 2.
// Third Param: Sorting
// -1 : Descending order according to key
// 0 : It does not sort
// 1 : Ascending order according to key
keySum = new KeySum(1, 1, 0); // Initialize
keySum.updateNow(1, 15); // keySum = [1 -> 15]
keySum.updateNow(2, 47); // keySum = [1 -> 15, 2 -> 47]
keySum.updateNow(1, 100); // keySum = [1 -> 115, 2 -> 47]
keySum.updateNow(3, 15); // keySum = [1 -> 115, 2 -> 47, 3 -> 15]
keySum.updateNow(7, 47); // keySum = [1 -> 115, 2 -> 47, 3 -> 15, 7 -> 47]
keySum.updateNow(4, 100); // keySum = [1 -> 115, 2 -> 47, 3 -> 15, 7 -> 47, 4 -> 100]
print keySum.key2Data(1); // prints 115 = which is sum of 15 + 100 i.e. the data we loaded earlier for the key 1
print; // prints 324 which is grand total of all the data
print keySum.numOfTrans(); // prints 5 = which is the count of the keys (1,2,3,4,7)
keySum.keyDelete(2); // deletes key 2 -> 47. So total is decreased to 324-47 = 277
keySum.addKeySum(keySum); // addKeySum method can be merged with another keySum object. In this case we did with itself
print; // total is doubled so 277*2 = 554
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