Sunday, August 9, 2009

Class RunBaseReport

When you create a class that extends from RunBaseReport and you try to modify the printer preferences it won’t have any effect. This small bug can be fixed very easy.

Edit the class RunBaseReportDialog, method main and check lines 14 and 15:
static void main(Args args)
RunBaseReportDialog reportDialog = new RunBaseReportDialog(args.caller());
RunBaseReport runBaseReport = args.caller().runbase();
ReportRun reportRun = runBaseReport.reportRun();
Report report =;
boolean oldInteractive;
boolean res;
Dialog dialog;
// We must invoke the SysPrintForm via the report object so that we honor an prompt overrides.
oldInteractive = report.interactive();
//res = reportRun.prompt(); // COMMENTED
res = reportDialog.prompt(); // CHANGE OF CODE
if (!res)
dialog = Dialog::getDialogFromCaller(args.caller());
if (dialog)

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