Friday, May 25, 2012

SRS Report CustAccountStatement is hanging with Suspended Process in AX 2012 CU-2

We recently came across an issue on Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 RTM CU-2.  When we try to run the report "Accounts receivable\reports\external\customer account statement", AX ends up hanging. This happens in every environment if I just choose a customer account and leave all else as default.
The reason we found was:
In \Classes\SrsReportRunRdpPreProcessServiceexecuteWithContract method, there are some code shown below, there is a UserConnection ttsBegin and UserConnection ttsCommit pair embedded in globalttsBegin and ttsCommit pair, this makes the database write operation to hang.
// switch company to that user. 
 // check if any pre-processing id already exists, if yes, then call cleanup, this will take care of cleaning up left over data. 
 this.cleanUp(_preProcessedRecId, reportContract.parmRdpName()); 
 // starting a default transaction, since some RDP classes do delete as part of their code and they dont have a explicit ttsbegin/ttscommit.
 // they were relying on the old behvior of SrsReportRunRdpPreProcessService class starting a default ttsbegin/commit.
 // We start transaction before calling processReport. By doing so, all data 
 // inserted by RDP into table will have the same transactionId. 
 // Always use a UserConnection. The service is currently running on RPC call and hence if outer transaction exists we dont want it to be used. 
 userConnection = new UserConnection(true); 
 // set user connection on RDP class. 
 // call processReport 
 // now create a entry in table with report name etc. 
 // transactionId will be same as the one used in processReport(). 
 preProcessedTable = SrsReportPreProcessedDetails::create(reportContract.parmRdpName(), userConnection, _isPreviewData);
 // commit the transaction. 

To workaround, the suggestion is to comment out those inner transactions, so that code looks as given in the highlighted sections below:
// switch company to that user. 
 // check if any pre-processing id already exists, if yes, then call cleanup, this will take care of cleaning up left over data. 
 this.cleanUp(_preProcessedRecId, reportContract.parmRdpName()); 
 // starting a default transaction, since some RDP classes do delete as part of their code and they dont have a explicit ttsbegin/ttscommit.
 // they were relying on the old behvior of SrsReportRunRdpPreProcessService class starting a default ttsbegin/commit.
 // We start transaction before calling processReport. By doing so, all data 
 // inserted by RDP into table will have the same transactionId. 
 // Always use a UserConnection. The service is currently running on RPC call and hence if outer transaction exists
 // we dont want it to be used. 
 userConnection = new UserConnection(true); 
 // set user connection on RDP class. 
 // call processReport 
 // now create a entry in table with report name etc. 
 // transactionId will be same as the one used in processReport(). 
 preProcessedTable = SrsReportPreProcessedDetails::create(reportContract.parmRdpName(), userConnection, _isPreviewData);
 // commit the transaction. 

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