Monday, July 30, 2012

Creating and Posting Inventory ProfitLoss journals in DAX using .NET Business Connector

using System;
using Microsoft.Dynamics.BusinessConnectorNet;

namespace ProfitLossPostingAppl
    class AxProfitLossPostingEngine
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Axapta ax = new Axapta();
            // company name, language, object server, configuration
            // this uses Windows Authentication
            ax.Logon("cmul", null, "localhost", null);
                // Start a transaction

                // AxaptaRecord is a class that allows to work with Tables in AX
                AxaptaRecord header = ax.CreateAxaptaRecord("InventJournalTable");
                AxaptaRecord journalName = ax.CreateAxaptaRecord("InventJournalName");
                AxaptaRecord line = ax.CreateAxaptaRecord("InventJournalTrans");
                AxaptaRecord inventTable = ax.CreateAxaptaRecord("InventTable");
                AxaptaRecord warehouse = ax.CreateAxaptaRecord("InventDim");

                // You can call static table methods using the following syntax
                journalName = ax.CallStaticRecordMethod("InventJournalName", "find", "IPL") as AxaptaRecord;

                // There is a set of predefined methods on the AxaptaRecord class, like the clear(), initValue, DML operations, etc.
                // You can call table object methods as well, not only static
                header.Call("initFromInventJournalName", journalName);

                line.Call("initFromInventJournalTable", header);
                // You cannot use table fields directly as in X++. Instead you have set/get methods
                line.set_Field("itemId", "B-R14");

                // Instead of using static table methods (like find) you can execute a direct SQL statement and receive the result in the AxaptaRecord object
                inventTable.ExecuteStmt("select * from %1 where %1.ItemId == 'B-R14'");
                // If you receive more that one record you can iterate through them using Next (as in AX)
                line.Call("initFromInventTable", inventTable);

                line.set_Field("Qty", 160.0);

                warehouse.set_Field("InventLocationId", "MW");

                warehouse = ax.CallStaticRecordMethod("InventDim", "findOrCreate", warehouse) as AxaptaRecord;
                line.set_Field("InventDimId", warehouse.get_Field("inventDimId"));

                // Notice AxaptaRecord is passed by reference here
                ax.CallStaticRecordMethod("InventJournalTable", "initTotal", header);

                // You can call static class methods the same way you call table static methods, but using a different method on Axapta class
                // So in case you wrote the posting in X++, you would be able to call it, passing the JournalId as the argument
                // int numOfLinesPosted = (int)ax.CallStaticClassMethod("DEV_ProfitLossEngine", "postProfitLossJournal", header.get_Field("JournalId"));
                // Or, you can use the AxaptaObject class to accomplish the same from C# 
                // You can initialize a new class using the Axapta class method
                // AxaptaObject journalCheckPost = ax.CreateAxaptaObject("InventJournalCheckPost");
                // Or using a static method, if that suites your needs better
                // Notice here that an object of type AxaptaRecord is passed into a method that expects InventJournalTable as the argument
                AxaptaObject journalCheckPost = ax.CallStaticClassMethod("InventJournalCheckPost", "newPostJournal", header) as AxaptaObject;
                // You can object methods the same way you would on a table
                journalCheckPost.Call("parmShowInfoResult", false);
                journalCheckPost.Call("parmThrowCheckFailed", true);
                journalCheckPost.Call("parmTransferErrors", false);
                int numOfLinesPosted = (int)journalCheckPost.Call("numOfPostedLines");

                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} line(s) have been successfully posted", numOfLinesPosted));
                Console.WriteLine("JournalId is " + header.get_Field("JournalId"));
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue ...");

            catch (Exception ex)



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